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3.5KW MPPT Hybrid Inverter

This is a multi-function inverter/charger, combining functions of inverter, solar charger and battery charger to
offer uninterruptible power support with portable size. Its comprehensive LCD display offers user-configurable
and easy-accessible button operation such as battery charging current, AC/solar charger priority, and
acceptable input voltage based on different applications.

5.5KW MPPT Hybrid Inverter

This is a multi-function inverter/charger, combining functions of inverter, solar charger and battery charger to
offer uninterruptible power support with portable size. Its comprehensive LCD display offers user-configurable
and easy-accessible button operation such as battery charging current, AC/solar charger priority, and
acceptable input voltage based on different applications.

3.2KW MPPT Hybrid Inverter

This is a multi-function inverter/charger, combining functions of inverter, solar charger and battery charger to
offer uninterruptible power support with portable size. Its comprehensive LCD display offers user-configurable
and easy-accessible button operation such as battery charging current, AC/solar charger priority, and
acceptable input voltage based on different applications.

5KW MPPT Hybrid Inverter

This is a multi-function inverter/charger, combining functions of inverter, solar charger and battery charger to
offer uninterruptible power support with portable size. Its comprehensive LCD display offers user-configurable
and easy-accessible button operation such as battery charging current, AC/solar charger priority, and
acceptable input voltage based on different applications.

MPPT Solar Charge Controller

Solar System Voltage: 12V/24V/36V/48V Auto work
PV oprating Voltage: 15~150Vdc@12V, 35~150Vdc@24V, 50~150Vdc@36V, 60~150Vdc@48V
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